Welcome to Trail of Gems!

I toyed with calling this blog "On the Crumb Trail" for that fairytale feeling of a Journey Through Unknown , but decided that this was created not for me to find my way back, but to recommend inspiring, cozy, budget-friendly resources and havens I have found along the way.

These pages contain listings under these major categories:

See + Do - sights, activities, must-experiences
Stay - accommodation I'd send my dearest friends to
Ride - modes of transport to ramble, roam and gallivant at will
Eat - as if I wouldn't have something to say on this subject!
Plan - extensive libraries of researched advice
Speak - basic language skills to order food, say thank you, etc.
Act - collaborate, volunteer and cultivate awareness

Enjoy, respond and love life!

Jan 8, 2013

Singapore 24hr Indian!

RUN, don't walk to Mr. Prata near the Botanical Gardens, next time you're on a jaunt to Singapore.

After a drought of simultaneously truly exciting AND affordable food options in Taipei (you can get one or the other, but rarely both), we couldn't help ordering more and more items off the ridiculously extensive Southern Indian menu at Mr. Prata. Here are more and even more people who also think it's pretty awesome!

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